
The law of attraction.

"The law of attraction is the name given to the maxim "like attracts like" which in New Thought philosophy is used to sum up the idea that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life." (

You are what you think. Your mind is at the core of your being. 

Your thoughts and what they focus on control your worldview, and thus, your life. 

By this logic, if you were to focus on positive, optimistic thoughts, you would become a more positive, optimistic person. 

This is where positive affirmations come in. My favorite!

Affirmations are statements that you say not to another person, but to yourself. They are meant to change your mentality in a positive fashion and help you visualize the future and mindset that you want. With time, positive affirmations can become statements that you truly believe in (as opposed to just silly things you tell yourself). 

Positive affirmations are a wonderful thing. I believe in their power wholeheartedly and believe they can play a vital role in one's journey to self-love. 

Tell yourself you love yourself (even if you don't) (you should though!). Tell yourself that you are beautiful and smart and funny and kind and worthy of love and success. Even if you don't believe any of those things (which you should!), think them. Tell yourself what you wish you believed.

Slowly, you may start to believe yourself. And voila, you've made progress in your wonderful, fascinating, liberating, unique self-love journey. 

Positive affirmations encourage us to be kind to ourselves and be our own biggest fans. I love them, I believe in them, and I have no doubt that you will, too. 

I have a challenge for you, dear reader. Find two minutes a day to try positive affirmations. Whether it be when you wake up, eat lunch, tuck yourself into bed, or anything else in between, two minutes. Every day. That's all I ask.

Feel the words course through you. Say or think them with confidence. Believe them.

If you need help getting started, an article by the Huffington Post features a list of some of my favorite affirmations, linked here:

Believe in the affirmations, and believe in yourself.

Give them a try. I promise you won't regret it.


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  1. Believing in yourself is such a huge key to success in today's society. Love this post.
