Hello! & welcome to the self-love handbook. 

My name is Bayley Baker. I am nineteen years old, a student at Washburn University, and a lover of self-love. This is my handbook.

I struggled for years with loving myself. It was hard. It was heartbreaking. But, when I began to make progress, it was amazing.

I have been so inspired by my own self-love journey that I want to guide others on theirs. I want to offer resources and insight. I want to live in a world where nobody hates themselves.

This handbook is meant to be a resource used by anyone and everyone wanting to love themselves.

I hope you take this blog and use it to your advantage. I hope you find it inspiring. I hope you find yourself, and learn to love yourself, too.

Please feel free to contact me with any and all questions, comments, and concerns.

I can be reached by email here.

Happy reading! & thank you so much for stopping by.

All my love,




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