let it go

What's holding you back?

At some point in nearly everyone's self-love journey, people feel that they tend to hit a snag. Something is holding them back.

This is often a haunting past experience, a negative relationship with another person, a deep-rooted misconception about themselves, or an inability to forgive themselves, among other things.

Whatever this "snag" may be, I want you to think long and hard about yours is. And let it go.

Let it go. Think of it as a balloon, a tangible object, and release it into the air. Feel the weight being lifted off of your shoulders. (As cheesy as this may sound, it works!)

Forgive yourself. Choose yourself. Love yourself.

Let it go.

Whatever your snag may be, it's holding you back. You deserve better. You deserve the fulfillment of complete and total self-acceptance.

Let it go.

It's up to you and only you to free yourself from whatever is holding you down.

Let. It. Go.

I'm rooting for you.


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  1. Thank you for this nice little prep talk! Sometimes it is hard to let things go even thouugh it may be better in the long run.

  2. ^^I've had first had experience with this too. Sometimes we focus too much on things that just need to be let go.
