the science behind self-love


Science is admittedly not my favorite subject. However, self-love is! So when the two combine, I'll give it a shot.

You read the title correctly: there is science behind self-love. Real, actual, brain-and-physiological-science-and-whatnot.

In fact, there's even a whole book about it!

"I Heart Me: The Science of Self-Love" by David R. Hamilton Ph.D., linked here:

I've purchased and read the book myself, and it's great. The science is easy to understand and broken down into mentally manageable parts.

The book describes the three stages of self-love, which are as follows:
1. "I am not enough."
2. "I've had enough."
3. "I am enough!"

Good stuff. Of course, the goal here at the self-love handbook is to reach stage three, but there is absolutely no shame in being at one of the first two levels. (Unless, of course, you're not actively trying to reach stage three. In that case, shame on you!)

I realize that not all of you may want to spend the $16.99 on the book itself, which is totally understandable. Luckily, Dr. Hamilton has been kind enough to share some of his wisdom about the three stages of self-love online for free. Yay!

Linked here is the article:

I encourage you to take a look at what he has to say and apply it to your own self-love journey.

Happy reading!


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