brains over beauty

Something has recently come to my attention that I want to address here on my blog.

I realized that many of my posts are all about body positivity and loving how you look.

While these things are definitely important, and vital to self-love, I want to make it clear that self-love goes deeper than how you look.

You should also love your mind.

This is where I've been getting it wrong. I've been focusing too heavily on outward appearance, and not placing enough emphasis on how absolutely undoubtedly unequivocally important it is to love your insides, too.

Your mind, your personality, your sense of humor, your compassion, your confidence, your attitude, your outlook, your opinions, your sense of self, your work ethic, your kindess: all of these things are more important than how you look. And each of us need to make a conscious effort to recognize and love these things about ourselves.

Self-love is more than skin-deep. Self-love is about loving every inch of your body and then some. It's about loving who you are, inside and out.

You are more than pretty. You are smart. You are brave. You are inspiring.

I love how opinionated I am. I love that exude confidence. I love how I'm not afraid to speak my mind. I love how much I am capable of loving others. I love my sense of humor.

I love myself for more than how I look. I love my mind.

Dear readers, I am very sorry for neglecting to emphasis this thus far. Please know that this is very important to me.

This week, I challenge you all to think of three things you love about yourself that have nothing to do with your outward appearance.

Furthermore, try to integrate this inward angle of self-love into your journey and mindset.

Happy inner beauty-ing!


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  1. Yes! This was the cherry on top of your self love blog! Body and mind matter!
