self-love tips & tricks: my daily reminder technique

My dear readers! I sincerely hope you are all doing well and thoroughly loving yourselves.

I write to you today to share a tip of mine. I do this almost every day, and although it is a small thing to do, it helps. 

You've heard of people tying a ribbon or string around their finger to remind them to do something. Today, I encourage you to take that same logic and apply it to self-love.

Think of a specific part of your body as the ribbon. Ideally, choose a part of your body that you don't necessarily like. It could be your belly button, the freckles on your nose, the dimples in your thighs, the stretch marks on your tummy, your chubby cheeks, your double chin, your armpit chub, your bony legs, your frizzy hair, etc. Choose something that makes you feel bad about yourself.

For me, my ribbon is how my tummy pooches out. I have the opposite of a flat tummy. I am not a fan of this. 

Now that you have your "ribbon", apply the aforementioned logic. Every time you look at this body part, remind yourself to LOVE yourself. Remind yourself of all the things that you love about your body. Remind yourself that you are worthy of love, that you are smart, sexy, confident, and beautiful. 

By doing this, you rewire your brain. Instead of seeing that body part and thinking about how much you hate it, you begin to associate it with loving yourself and positive thinking. Eventually, the very sight of this body part will trigger your brain to love yourself. It's a beautiful thing.

Find your ribbon. Flip the script. Take something you hate and turn it into something that encourages you to love. 

Give it a try. It certainly works for me!

Best of luck to you all.


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